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  In today's digital age, photo editing has become an essential tool for anyone who wants to enhance the look of their images. While there are plenty of photo editing apps available for smartphones, many people prefer to use their PC for editing due to the larger screen and more advanced features. In this article, we will discuss the top five photo editing apps for PC. Adobe Photoshop : Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard for photo editing software and has been a favorite of professionals for decades. It is a powerful tool that allows users to manipulate images in virtually any way possible. The app features an array of tools such as layers, filters, and brushes, and supports a variety of file formats. While it can be a bit pricey, it's a worthwhile investment for anyone serious about photo editing. GIMP : GIMP is a free, open-source photo editing app that offers a range of features similar to Adobe Photoshop. It has an easy-to-use interface and allows users to create high...

NAVIC India's indigenous navigation system.

  Hello friends, you are welcome in your ntech_blogger zone. Where we know about new technology, games, top played games, and the latest tech news.  We bring important and interesting information about these topics to you. In this article, we will discuss India's ambitious indigenous navigation system today and see how India can work to reduce its dependence on America's GPS. Navigation System - In the present time, as our dependence on the Internet is increasing, with the same, we are becoming dependent on GPS to a great extent. Be it locating a location like Superstore, Hospital, Restaurant, School, College, etc., tracking a product ordered online, tracking the status of a cab like Ola, Uber, tracking a shipment, etc. All these functions require a navigation system. The navigation system we are currently using is the US-based GPS Global Positioning System (GPS), without it, it is almost impossible to fully take advantage of most of the online services. What is GPS ? - We ar...

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