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What is GPS (Global Positioning System)?


What is GPS (Global Positioning System)?

Hello, tech lovers, I have bought a new article in which we will discuss GPS(global positing system). what is it? how does it work? multiple uses of GPS etc. so let us begin.

amazon productWhat is GPS?

GPS is a system which is made up of three parts satellite, ground station and receiver. satellite act like the star in a constellation-we all knows where they are and they supported at any given time.                          The ground station uses radar to make sure they are actually where we think they are. And a receiver you can be found in your digital watch, your car, and on your mobile phone is always listening for a signal from these satellites. The receivers figure it out how far away you from some of them.

The GPS is a satellite-based radio navigation system own by the U.S government and operated by the United States Space force. and GPS provides positioning, navigating and timing (PNT) services. it is a navigating system which used satellites, a receive an algorithm to synchronise location, velocity and time data for air, sea and land travel.

How does GPS work-

The GPS satellite system consists of a constellation of 30+ navigating satellite circling earth. we know where they are because they constantly sending out us signals. A GPS receiver in your mobile phone receives for these signals. Once the receiver calculates its distance from five or more GPS satellites, it can figure it out where you are. 

                    In early time humans have looked to the sky to find their way. The ancient period of sailors used the constellation to figure out where they were and where they were going.                                                         Today we all had a need or used a simple hand-held GPS receiver to figure out actually where we are anywhere in the world.  we need just a simple GPS inbuild phone which can be provided data regarding the exact location where we are and how we get to other places.                                                                                                                   instead of stars, we using satellite. Over the 30 navigational satellite are zipping around high above the earth. these satellites can provide exact data regarding our location.

Uses of GPS-

GPS is a powerful and dependable tool for individual, business and organisations in different-different areas. Surveyors, scientists, boat caption, first responders and workers in the mining and agriculture are just some of the people who use GPS on a daily basis of work. they use GPS information for preparing accurate survey and maps and taking precise time measurement, tracking position or location and for navigational purpose. GPS works for all 24*7 and it works in all weather conditions.

there are five main uses of GPS-

  1.  Location- It can use to determine the exact position/location 
  2.  Navigational purpose - getting from one location to another                                               location
  3.  Tracking- It helps to monitor object or personal movement
  4.  Mapping- it can help to create a map of the world. 
  5.  Timing- It can help in time management.
  6.  GPS can be used to keep an eye on dangerous natural hazards also-like -tsunami, volcano and earthquake also.


We learned about GPS. What is GPS? How does GPS Works? What are the uses of GPS? etc.
so we can say that GPS technology which helps us to find the path easily when we get lost in some unknown place. GPS has made life easier than before. Now there is no need to ask our way because now we can find our way on our own with the help of GPS technology. Now we can also take advantage of GPS in our digital watch and other digital gadgets. it has unlimited benefits. We should use GPS technology in the right way. which can help us and others.

In this article, I told you about GPS technology. If you like it then remember to share it with your friends. If you have any query related to this topic then you can tell me by commenting below. I will definitely help you. So with this, I meet in another new article till then Jai Hind.


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