  In today's digital age, photo editing has become an essential tool for anyone who wants to enhance the look of their images. While there are plenty of photo editing apps available for smartphones, many people prefer to use their PC for editing due to the larger screen and more advanced features. In this article, we will discuss the top five photo editing apps for PC. Adobe Photoshop : Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard for photo editing software and has been a favorite of professionals for decades. It is a powerful tool that allows users to manipulate images in virtually any way possible. The app features an array of tools such as layers, filters, and brushes, and supports a variety of file formats. While it can be a bit pricey, it's a worthwhile investment for anyone serious about photo editing. GIMP : GIMP is a free, open-source photo editing app that offers a range of features similar to Adobe Photoshop. It has an easy-to-use interface and allows users to create high...

TEN surprising benefits of playing video games


There is clear monitoring for families when children play video games. Some children have trouble turning off or changing the game. The mood of the children becomes hyperfocus either during or after playing the game. And there are children who play games secretly and are fully accustomed to games. However, there are some upsides as well.     

Here are 10 surprising benefits of playing video games.


Studies show that children who play video games may have a slight increase in their reading skills. This is also true for children who struggle with reading, and even while playing action games.

Researchers think this may be because children need to understand text instructions to play. This is also a fun reason. Children who are reluctant to open a traditional book can hurry to read websites or internet forums to get the latest information on their favorite games. This does not mean that video games should replace books. 

2.Visual-spatial skills

Many games - such as Minecraft - are set in 3D virtual worlds that children have to navigate. And there is no GPS or smartphone map app to move forward.

The result is that children playing these games get an opportunity to practice their visual-spatial skills. This can lead to a better understanding of distance and location.   

 3.Better efficiency

As indicated by an investigation by small entry point subject matter experts, players who play more than 3 hours of computer games each week are 32% less inclined to make excessive errors during their operations.


A challenge is placed at the center of almost all video games. Some games may be mindless, such as Space Invaders. But many others - filled with types of puzzles and mysteries, managing virtual cities or empires - allow children to take on a problem and work to find a solution.

Some researchers say that children playing these video games improve in three areas: planning, organization, and flexible thinking. But don't get too excited about this. It is unclear whether these gaming problem-solving skills are helpful in moving forward in daily life. And there is no evidence that so-called "train the brain" games can improve real-world skills.

5.Social connections

Some children in our society have trouble getting fit and making friends in real life. Video games can be a refuge for them to connect people in a positive way. In our busy lives, games offer virtual playdates with real-life friends.

Video games give children anything to talk about in school. These days, like sports and music, sports have become the main topic of conversation for children. Interest in gaming can help children who have trouble coming up with topics to discuss.

On the other hand, socially struggling children in real life may also have trouble online. Learn how this multiplayer can play online video games.

6.Imaginative play and creativity

When the children are small, there is plenty of room for imaginative play to be believed, from Lego to dolls. But for the tweens and teenagers, society sometimes turns to that drama. Video games give children the opportunity to continue imaginative play.

There is also some evidence that sports encourage creative thinking. In one study, 12-year-old gamers were asked to draw, tell stories, ask questions, and make predictions. All children showed a high degree of creativity and curiosity.

7. Career in videogaming

The 16-year-old winner of the first Fortnite World Cup won $ 3 million. The other 99 singles finalists won anywhere from $ 50,000 to $ 1.8 million.

Like professional sports, the chances of becoming a professional video gamer are very low. However, the video gaming industry is growing much faster than traditional games and entertainment.

There are many careers in this growing industry - careers such as coding, marketing, or running events.

Those are some of the potential benefits of video games. Now learn how to choose video games and apps for your child.

8.Reduce Stress.

While some games are believed to generate tension - especially when you see that your character has been killed for the umpteenth time - the opposite may be true. A major study that tracked players and measured heart rate over six months found that some titles reduced adrenaline response by more than 50 percent.

7. Mature process

According to experts, Mind Games help the youth to improve their memory and critical thinking ability. Also, they can benefit mature individuals. An investigation found that playing a 10-hour mind game led to a better psychological performance in individuals over 50 years of age.

10. Relief from discomfort

A good way to alleviate suffering is to focus on something different, and messing up is probably the most ideal way. In addition, playing can help your body react to pain relief. The more vivid you are, the better.

That way, if you have had a physical problem of late and are experiencing constant pain, we recommend that you turn on your PC and play your number one computer game. This will help you after a short time.

Long story short, if you are looking for ways to develop yourself, we propose that you choose some good games that you like. You can also play with the privacy of your room on your cell phone. Ideally, this article will help you understand the benefits of playing computer games. 


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